Impact in storywriting
Impact in storywriting

Now, let's think about the structure and plot. Samantha: "My audience is mostly male and female entrepreneurs who want to create a positive impact in their industry and improve their leadership skills." Who are they, and what do they care about?" Michael: "Well, Samantha, the first thing you need to do is think about your audience.


I want to tell my business story, but I'm not sure how to make it interesting." She turned to her friend Michael, a professional writer, for advice. Samantha, a leadership consultant, was struggling to create a business story that would resonate with her audience. Now that we've explored the five key differences, let's look at a story dialogue example for bringing your brand story to life. In a story narrative, the outcome can be a moral lesson or a personal growth experience, and the impact can be on the reader's emotions or worldview. Business success becomes the measurement matrix, while story narrative can have a more personal outcome and impact. In business story writing, it is critical to connect the business goal with expected outcomes, such as increased sales or improved customer satisfaction. The characters can be fictional or real, and the setting can be anywhere in the world or in the imagination. In contrast, a story narrative can have a wider range of characters and settings. The characters can be employees, stakeholders, leaders, customers or investors, and the setting typically is the office, virtual conversations, boardroom or marketplace. In business story writing, you have to co-relate the characters and setting to the business problem or solution. The tone can be more playful or dramatic. In contrast, a story narrative can have more poetic and descriptive language, with a focus on emotions and sensory details.

impact in storywriting impact in storywriting

In business story writing, the language is usually straightforward and concise, with a focus on facts and data.

impact in storywriting

You need to ensure that the plot's focus is on the characters and their journey. In contrast, a story narrative can have a more complex structure, with multiple plot lines and characters.

Impact in storywriting